Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Happy Holidays, 2007!

Happy Holidays, 2007!

Happy Holidays, 2007!

It's my birthday, today.

December 8th, 2007 ~ Can you believe that I turned 3 today? It's hard for my mama to since it seemed like just yesterday, I was a little angel in her arms. Time goes by fast! Watch out...blink and you might miss it. I celebrated my big day with two of my friends. Grace and Nathan helped me celebrate. I received lots of presents and new toys to play with. I'm a big boy now and not a baby anymore.

So many presents...so little time.

Happy Birthday to me! I'm three now. I'm a big boy.

AJ is sure enjoying my presents, too.

Thomas and the singing balloon.

My Mama & Daddy got me this awesome balloon for my birthday. It sings and talks each time you tap it on the magic spot. I'm so special!

Happy 3rd Birthday, Walker!

Happy 3rd Birthday, Walker!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Fun Day at Seaworld

We spent the day at Seaworld. Trying to use up our fun passes before they expire. We met some of our cousin's there. The Polar Express is there. Very cute!! Walker and I could not ride the train ride since he was not tall enough. So we walked through to see Santa & the polar bears. Of course, it was Walker's nap time and we had "no nap" that day. I'm hoping to get some more pictures of them with Santa. The only way I could get Walker to see Santa was to hold him and take him over. Interesting enough, by the time we arrived at the play area Walker got his second wind. It was a fun time!

December 1, 2007 - Seaworld

SeaWorld Play Area