Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 22, 2007 - Happy Thanksgiving! We spent the holiday with family in Tampa. This year it was a small gathering. The food is always yummy. Of course, we all ate way too much. The boys and the girl cousins.

A day at the park!

November 21, 2007 - Today is such a beautiful day! The kids are out of school on Thanksgiving/fall break so off to the park we went. We did bump into a few people from our playgroup that day. The boys love going to this park since there is so much there for them to explore. One side is a huge park and on the other side is an awesome skateboard ramp's. We usually pass by this park on the way to Walker's preschool and he always asks when we can go there again? Funny how they don't forget some stuff. After the park, I took them to lunch at the mall. AJ went to see Santa but Walker is not too sure about him at this point. I'll have to take Walker more to see Santa Claus so eventually I can get a photo.

More AJ birthday pics.

The game Operation is from one of mommy's friends. The shoes are cool! They are from mommy & daddy. Walker is enjoying his cupcake thinking that it is his birthday, too. Don't worry, his turn is just around the corner in a few weeks.

Present's for AJ!

AJ and some of his presents. Walker is thinking that it is his birthday, too! The awesome water guns are from Uncle Bryan & Aunt Angie. Walker thinks one is his but they are both for AJ so when he has a friend over they can blast each other until they are soaked.

Happy Birthday AJ!

November 19, 2007-Today is AJ's 8th birthday. Hard to believe that he is that old now. We decided not to have a big party for him this year. He took two friends to FunWorks and spent the afternoon with them. We celebrated just as a family with AJ on his actual birthday.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A Day Out With Thomas.

This past Sunday, November 4th, 2007, we took the boys to a little town of Tavares to spend the day with Thomas the Train. Thomas comes to this railroad twice a year. We met a couple of friends there, too! Walker's friend Nathan came with his family. And we also bumped into one of our neighbors as well. First, we had a picnic by the water. The weather could not of been more perfect. Next, the boys played at the enchanted forest playground. It was pretty cool! There was so much fun stuff to do and see. Last, This was a fun filled day packed with tons of fun and excitement!