Friday, June 24, 2011

Creek Basketball Camp

AJ just finished his first full week of Basketball Camp.  The Camp was held at Clear Creek High School.  Four full days of nothing but Basketball.  Seeing since that's all he wants to do is Basketball, I thought it would be a great choice for him.  He had lots of fun! 

Yesterday was awards from the week.  AJ received a medal for 2nd place.  Shooting the most consecutive free throws at once.  He said he scored 9 out of 10.  Not too bad!  WTG AJ!

End of Camp

Free Throw Medal

AJ's Medal with Shaka receiving.

AJ, Zach, & Shaka.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

First Karate Uniform

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Walker getting geared up...

This was Walker's 3rd Karate lesson.  He is really liking learning all about Karate!  Tonight was the first time, you were able to put on safety helmets & gloves to practice what you've learned. 

Walker Sparring

Monday, June 20, 2011

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Friday, June 17, 2011

My Karate Kid ~

Walker's second Karate lesson.  This is the first sport that he has shown any interest in.  Walker seems very interested in the lesson time. I hope that he enjoys this class and will continue to do it for awhile.  He will have 10 classes, one tournament, and test for the yellow belt at the end. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My baby boy

Bently, my boy child, he is so handsome ;)